Brief Plot Summary
I, luckily, read the book before I saw the movie. I enjoyed the over all idea of the story, and I'll try not to give too much away for those who haven't read it yet. The main character, Beatrice (later called "Tris"), lives in a divided society of factions. Each faction serves a different purpose in the life of the community. Her faction, Abnegation, is about being selfless and serving others, but Beatrice struggles to feel like she belongs to this group. When she becomes the proper age she is able to choose what faction she will belong to for the rest of her life; her decision changes everything.
Thoughts On The Book
I really enjoyed reading the book. It was very hard to put down for any sort of extended period of time. The author gives you a good look inside the mind of a self conscious teenage girl. She clearly shows the constant inner struggle of self worth that many people, not just girls, have in real life. I always like books because you can go so much deeper into every situation. Every feeling. Every thought. So much more detail than you can get from a visual facial reaction. As you read, you really begin to feel what Tris does. You feel her pain as she gets beat up by Molly, and you feel her frustration when she gets chastised by Four, but feel her affection as she starts to love him. In my opinion, the most important things are in the details, and this book definitely does not leave them out when it comes to emotions.
Emotions are fine and dandy, but action is also important. The book does well at incorporating action. There's hand to hand combat, knives in eyes, roof jumping, train jumping, murders and all kinds of things to keep the story interesting. I wouldn't say it keeps you on the edge of your lazy boy, but it keeps the pages turning. Overall, great book, and I would recommend it to anyone.
Thoughts on the Movie
Why? I just kept asking my TV "why" and saying "that's not how that happened!". I just cannot understand why they made the movie the way they did. I understand they can't fit everything into a two hour movie, but at least try to follow the proper sequence of events! Even of the stuff they left in, there were so many things out of place. The fight scenes during the Dauntless training were so out of order. They totally skipped over the parent visitation day, and decided to have Tris's mom just show up randomly another day. And at one point, Marcus says a line that Tris's dad is supposed to say, but Tris's dad is standing right there! Why?! And I won't even get into the ending with Jeanine; way off mark. I understand a lot of the reference here don't make sense if you didn't read the book or see the movie, but they are points that have to be brought up. The movie, to me, ruined the whole series. I do believe that if I had not read the book, it would be totally different. Several people told me they loved the movie, and hadn't read the books. The movie may have been good, but I was too distracted by the mistakes to realize it.
Since I saw the movie I have read the next book, Insurgent, and am currently reading the last book, Allegiant. I still am enjoying the books, but not as much as I have the first one. I do believe I will see the next movie in hopes that it will be better than the first one.
So, if I could give you any advice... Read the books, pass on the movie.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Be safe. Be courteous.
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