Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to add a Google Account to your iPhone

Although you may own an iPhone, that doesn't mean everything you do is Apple. Maybe you have a Yahoo account with all your contacts in it, or a Google account that you use for a calendar. Well, the good news is that you can add these accounts to your iOS device fairly easily, and the better news is... I'm gonna show you how to do it!

Step one:
Go into your device Settings

Step two:
Scroll down until  you find Mail, Contacts, Calendar

Step three:
Select Add Account

Step four:
Choose your client- In this case, let's pick Google

Step five:
Put in the information of the account you are adding and sign in

Step six:
Choose what you want to sync. You may not want all your work contacts cluttering up your Address Book and  you might want to leave your work email at work , so you just unclick the Contacts and Mail switches and it won't sync those. Easy peasy.

Step seven:
Next, you'll go back to your home screen and go into your calendar. Then, select Calendars.

Step Eight:
Last step. Now you want to just make sure you show your new calendar in the Calendar app. You can choose only the calendars you want or just pick Show All Calendars!

Then... You're done! Wow! That was easy! You can edit what each account syncs to your phone anytime by going into Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> and then choose the account :) I can tell you got this already!!

Thanks for taking time to learn!

Be safe. Be courteous.


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