Monday, July 13, 2015

Family Vacation 2015 - Day 5 - Late to bed and early to rise

Days on vacation are long. They start early and end late. Sometimes way too late. There's a few reasons why this happens. For some people, mostly older people, they want to get the most out of their day. It's breakfast and coffee at 6 and then 18 hours later, when everyone is going to bed, they're wondering who wants to play Rook. I think I'm doing pretty good when I get up at 8! But then my parents get back from the beach after watching the sunrise. My theory is more along the lines of...  If I want to see the sunrise, Google has some great images I can check out.
Another reason the days can be long is from kids. It's hard to get the kids to bed at a decent bed time on vacation. They're jacked up on fruit snacks and want to play and swim nonstop. That leaves us with very limited time to do anything for ourselves after the time they are both in their beds and out of our hair. And it doesn't matter how late you put the kids to sleep, they'll wake up before you want them to. You got to be very careful. I've learned to sneeze into my pillow anytime after 5:00 am if I want to sleep any more. If I can't find anything to muffle my sinus spasm than I'm sure to hear a "bessooh dadda" and then I know I'm up for good. 
But, no matter how much sleep you get or don't get, vacations can be tiring. I always like to have a day after I get back from vacation just to relax at home. And then I think "I could have saved a lot of money if I would have just relaxed here at home this whole time". Honestly, I would hate to get back from vacation and have to jump right onto work the next day. I need that vacation - - > real life buffer day, or I'll have real-life culture shock. 
I say all this because I was up at 6 this morning and it is currently 1:15 when I'm writing this. That's a long day. But we had lots of fun. Got to go to the beach before lunch. Rylynn loved playing with the sand toys with her cousins and laughing hysterically when a wave would push her.

Later, much like a pack mule, I loaded the chair, umbrella, backpack, towels, and toddler onto myself and walked back to the house for lunch. Im always amazed at how much I can carry when I'm trying to avoid two trips. Same thing with groceries. We could buy 18 bags of groceries, and it's only 20 yards to our front door, but I HAVE to get it in one trip! 
Anyways, got some lunch back at the house. Spaghetti O's and grilled cheese. Rylynn was almost asleep before we could even get food in her mouth, but we made it through lunch and afterwards her and momma both got their naps.
After naps it was playtime immediately. Waste no time. And the cousins played til dinner while me and Matt purchased tickets for our families to go to Walt Disney World on Wednesday!!

For dinner we had some amazing lasagna roll ups that Ryan and Mollie made. I had more than my allotted amount. Sh. Don't tell!

Then we hung out, planned a little for our day at Disney and played games til 12:45. You never know what to expect with our family. There was about a ten minute discussion about how well the upstairs toilet seat fit to everybody's rumps, which involved fully clothed adults taking a try and giving their 5 second review. That's what I love about our families. We get on such obscure topics and it is just a never ending line of jokes.

Thoughts of the day -  It was worth the drive :)  

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