Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Family Vacation 2015 - Day 7 - Finally got ice cream!

This is going be a short post since I have to wake up at 5:00 am tomorrow to go to Walt Disney World and it's currently 11:53 pm. Tomorrow is gonna be a magical day. A long day. Hopefully a day filled with fun and adventure. But, I will give you all the scoop on how that goes at end of day tomorrow, and I think that will be a long post. But you can pray for us and Matt and Erin and our families for safety, good attitudes (from all of us), good weather, and a great time :) thanks. 

But now for today...

Today was one of those vacation days that just fly by. This seems to happen far too often on vacation. It usually takes about 3 days to actually forget about work and relax. In this case it took 6 days, and there's a problem with that... All I can think about is the trip back. I try not to dwell on that and just enjoy the here and now. Enjoy having talks with my wife without all the stress of work and schedules. Enjoy playing with my daughter in the pool and watching her interact with her cousins. Enjoy holding my son and watching him smile at me, or gas bubbles, who knows. But, from what I'm finding out, these moments go by way too fast, like days on a vacation, and I need to make sure I soak 'em up. 

We pretty much just relaxed all morning. No pool. No beach. Just played inside and enjoyed the A/C. There was talk of going into Old Town of St Augustine, but plans changed. After lunch we got some naps and both kids actually slept at the same time!! I got to read and Melody got to watch her HGTV shows :) That was excellent :) 

We made hot dogs, cheddar wursts, and Mac n cheese for dinner and then all headed out to go shopping. We just meandered around the outlets and got Rylynn some new swimsuits. Then, finally, we had ice cream!! It was not nearly enough but I was happy to get that Hershey's Choco Mint Chip goodness in me. 

We headed home and got ready for our big day tomorrow. Made sure the car seats would all fit in the van. Got the bag ready for an all day adventure. Informed my parents on how to care for Denver all day. Which is just awesome that they are willing to do that for us and we are sooooo thankful for them and Ryan and Mollie and their willingness to help us out :) One thing that was another blessing was we found two strollers at the beach house we are staying at. One is a two seater and the other a one seater. Just what we all needed to not have to rent strollers from Disney World. That was quite a last minute blessing discovery :) 

Now we are ready to go and ready for bed. 

Thoughts on today- I really need to try and think about each moment. It's not that long that we get to be in this stage of parenting. Yes, it's hard. But there are so many things that make it an amazing experience. It's hard not to focus on the negative and my prayer would be that I would be more patient and optimistic as I continue to learn this parenting thing.

See ya soon Mickey!!!

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